Loss Control/ Expediting
Garrnnetts aims to reduce cargo losses and cargo claims. Attendance for loading or discharging operations in terminals or ship-to-ship transfer by Garrnnetts fully qualified expert superintendents.
Garrnnetts ensure independent inspection companies adhere to ASTM and API standards during the calculation of ship & shore cargo quantities.
During cargo operations our office maintains 24/7 contact with the client by providing updates. Garrnnetts will then provide a fully detailed report within 3-5 working days upon the completion of the operations.

Marine Survey & Consulting
We provide master mariner with professional experience who specialize in non-lacs class survey, investigation survey, insurance P&I survey and H&M survey.
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We also do pre-vetting surveys and will provide a detailed report on the surveys done based on our client's requirement.

Blending Services
Product blending plays a key role in preparing the refinery products for the market to satisfy the product specifications and environmental regulations.
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The objective of product blending is to assign all available blend components to satisfy the product demand and specifications to minimize cost and maximize overall profit. Almost all refinery products are blended for the optimal use of all the intermediate product streams for the most efficient and profitable conversion of petroleum to marketable products.
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Products can be blended by different processes, such as in-line through a manifold system, by batch blending in tanks and by onboard blending into marine vessels. Each of these processes has its own benefits and challenges along with the individual expertise needed to make them work efficiently.
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Tank and vessel blending requires skilled operations and planning. Garrnnetts has years of blending experience and can help mitigate facility limitations and optimize the blending plan.

Analysis Witnessing
During operations Garrnnetts provides witnessing services when analysis are conducted at the various world-class laboratories by the inspection companies. Garrnnetts expertise in the field ensures that testing are conducted in accordance to ASTM/ ISO/ IP and other recognised petroleum test methods requested by our clients.
We will then give detailed reports of the testing done and ensure the precision and accuracy of the testing and results.

Cargo Treatment
Cargo treatment using additives are becoming so critical as the world is moving towards high performance fuels which are cleaner and reduces pollution to the atmosphere. Legislations are changing the profiles of fuels around the world and the need for fuel treatment is increasing.
Cargo treatment personnel and mobile injection equipment stand ready to handle any of your additive needs, in one or multiple locations, and are prepared to handle your additive needs at the dock, anchorage, or at shore- based facilities such as a terminals, refineries and pipelines.
Garrnnetts provide you with effective solutions for cargo treatment available for various petroleum products
Crude Oil
Jet fuel / Kerosene
Diesel / Gasoil
Fuel Oil / HFO
Additives -
Cetane Improvers
Conductivity improvers
Pout point depressants
Lubricity Improvers
Oxidation Stabilizer
Ash reduction

Hull Cleaning
The purpose of underwater hull cleaning is to remove biological roughness or fouling. A build-up of marine fouling can lead toincreased drag, resulting in a detrimental impact on a vessel’s hydrodynamic performance. Fouling, particularly in the case of a prolific build-up of hard or shell fouling like barnacles or tubeworm, can cause turbulence, cavitation, and noise, frequently affecting the performance of sonars, speed logs and other hull mounted sensors.
Proper cleaning removes all traces of fouling and does not remove or damage the coating or cause any increased surface roughness.
Underwater hull cleaning is a proven cost-saving tool for vessel operators. Garrnnetts provides you with our team expert team to cater the needs for you at affordable rates.

Propellers Polishing
The measure is related to the condition of the surface of the propeller which influences the efficiency of the propeller. The surface of a propeller will become less smooth due to strain and cavitation damage, whereas growth will start to develop over time. This can be avoided by regular polishing or coating of propeller. It is recommended to perform this measure twice yearly. This has been found to have the optimal balance between cost and effect.
Doing it right and done regularly, it can result in better speed and 5% or even more fuel savings. This savings far outweighs the cost of the propeller cleaning itself. Because the propeller is maintained regularly, the cleaning is relatively light and quick. No material is ground away, which is best for the propeller and the environment. The propeller is kept in an ultra-smooth condition and that’s where the real fuel savings can be achieved. This finish can only be accomplished through in-water propeller cleaning.

Tank Cleaning
Tank cleaning is the process of removing hydrocarbon vapours, liquids or residues. We provide cleaning services to oil tankers, shipping vessels, and other waterborne vessels
Our Experienced team clean engine rooms, pump rooms, storage rooms, bilge tanks, slop tanks, fuel oil tanks and oil spills with our eco-friendly solution
Tank cleaning may be required for one or more of the following reasons:​​
To carry clean ballast.
To gas free tanks for internal inspections, repairs or prior to entering dry dock.
To remove sediments from tank top plating.
To load a different and not compatible grade of cargo.

Deslopping Services
De-slopping is the process of removing mix water or other impurities inside the tank that comes from tank washing. Due to the high pressure of water used in tank washing, a huge volume of water gets mixed with the oils in the tank.
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This is considered as hazardous substance that should be dealt with properly and according to the standard procedures of waste disposal.
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With our technical expertise, with Garrnnetts teat, you can trust that our de-slopping process is safe and properly performed.